sabato 27 dicembre 2014

martedì 23 dicembre 2014

venerdì 19 dicembre 2014


cypher number 17 - DALLAS

From the series “Code”, oil and graphite pencil on paper, 30 x 30 cm. ORIGINAL SOLD.

A map is an imprint, a sign of man in the landscape. An alien intelligence, observing our cities from the great distances of the space, could interpret them as the characters of an alphabet, sort of messages, a code of signs, each one different from the other, each with its own meaning and its own syntax. This hypothetical alien presence may not even realize that these cities have a purpose and a function, which are the product of the way we have adapted to live on this planet, but it could engage in an attempt to interpret this unknown language, identifying the alphabet and associating to each character a precise meaning. We will still be able to understand and share this new meanings, or will they have lost any sense for us?

lunedì 15 dicembre 2014


JELLYFISH. Oil and graphite on cerycled cardboard, 29 x 19 cm, 2014. ORIGINAL SOLD.

giovedì 11 dicembre 2014


sentence n. 1
From the series “Alphabet”, china ink on paper. 20 x 20 cm.

A barcode is the graphical representation of a series of numbers. What does creates the aesthetics of a bar code? It comes from lines, their thickness, the spacing.We can think of it as a language with its compositional rules, its grammar and its syntax.
I imagined to isolate these rules, separating them from the original purpose for which they were created, and I tried to change them gradually to invent a new language and perhaps new meanings.

Original available for sale.

sentence n. 2

sentence n. 3 (original sold)

sentence n. 4
sentence n. 5

sentence n. 6

martedì 9 dicembre 2014

imaginary map of turin

From the series “The earth seen from the space”, oil on canvas. 50 x 50 cm. Original sold.

lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

The stars reflected in the eyes

From the series “The stars reflected in the eyes”, cementite, oil, graphite, wooden sticks and cotton thread on paper. 20 x 20 cm.

Anything that can be classified in a homogeneous series exerts an attraction on me and an impulse to draw it. Perhaps what attracts me is the research of the variant, the exploration of the rules that allow the inclusion of that group of objects in a single set but giving to each object its uniqueness.
So I always liked to draw eyes. Individual eyes, wide eyes, groups of eyes, half closed eyes. To change the expression or play with colors and decorations as if it were a make-up, allows endless variations.
Even the constellations in the sky are endless, and I drew these too, as if they were geometric embroidery or imaginary and arbitrary warping created for the sole purpose of interpreting a reality difficult to understand.
Then, when the verse of a mawkish romantic song came into my thoughts ("The starlight is reflected in your eyes ..."), I could not resist to create a new series, based on the union of those two, which although have nothing to do with each other, related by the only fact of being homogeneous sets, ready to be classified to quench the thirst of an artist that is anxious to bring order into its chaotic imaginary world.