lunedì 14 dicembre 2015


From the series “Blender”, oil and pencil on paper, 54 x 42 cm; 2015.

This series of drawings was inspired by the programs for virtual modeling that are used in architecture. With these programs you can create extremely complex and improbable forms, which could not exist in reality. It’s a virtual reality, extremely fascinating, where what attracts most are the sinuous arabesques of the shadows, the light reflections, the sensuality of the curved surfaces.

Original available for sale.

venerdì 4 dicembre 2015

Three women

Three women, oil on canvas. 70 x 70 cm, 1992.

The inspiration for this painting come from a famous Piedmontese painter, Felice Casorati, thatoften used to represent similar subjects.

lunedì 30 novembre 2015

Big colored butterfly

From the series “Please do not kill butterflies”, pins, oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 20 cm.                                                                                                                                          
Please, all these dead animals ... Of course, not everyone of us can or want become vegetarian. Sure, in some cases, maybe, the medical experimentation needs them to get results. But we really have to kill them for our frivolous activities? ... Is it necessary to have so many pink pigs die in front of a camera? Do we really need to dissect sharks in formaldehyde, to starve stray dogs tied to a chain in the corner of a gallery, or to make innocent ants go crazy in twisted tubes of plexiglass? 
To make these drawings, no butterfly was killed. ORIGINAL SOLD

martedì 17 novembre 2015


(original sold)

I’m afraid that I have never seen in my whole life a place that was totally devoid of garbage or waste. Like the majority of people nowadays, I have traveled quite a lot, and in all the places where I've been, even in apparently pristine landscapes, such as high mountain paths or natural parks, there is always the memory of some garbage. Maybe hidden, perhaps barely visible and half buried, faded by the sun and worn out from the weather, mainly plastic, now part of nature.
In the countryside of southern Italy, especially in Puglia, just digging in the ground it is very easy to uncover relics of ancient Greek civilization: pieces of amphorae, shards of pottery, coins. It's too easy to say that this was a refined civilization, so that we still consider its waste like works of art, while ours is a barbarian society that submerged the planet of trash. Will we arrive at the point of saying that the difference is only quantitative?... Will it happen, in a near future, that we will come to replace the ruins of antiquity with the scraps of our consumerism?

venerdì 6 novembre 2015



From the series “Imaginary portraits”, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2000. ORIGINAL SOLD.

venerdì 23 ottobre 2015


from the series “Sistine mood”, oil on paper, 42 x 29.7 cm, 2015.

This series of drawings was inspired by Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. Some portraits are directly based on the figures painted on the vault. Then I painted other faces trying to reproduce that style, and the characteristics that in my opinion distinguish it: the intense expression of the faces, the light and half transparent colors as if the aim was to let emerge the underlying drawing, the profile marked by a darker line, the background of a mostly uniform sky.

Original available for sale.

lunedì 5 ottobre 2015


From the series “Diagram”, pencil and oil on paper, 44 x 50 cm.

In my youth at the school, certain lessons were inevitably boring. When the distraction peered, inadvertently I began to scribble the pages of the books, filling with drawings their blank borders. The hour of history, or philosophy, gave easy ideas: I copied the portraits of philosophers illustrating the beginning of each chapter in the textbook. The math class gave beautiful diagrams: their geometries structured the space, providing backgrounds to fill with decorations, figures, pictures. Maybe it was the insight that those same geometry hid himself a sort of aesthetics, an inexplicable and axiomatic beauty, like when we are aware of it in front of nature, without being able to give it an explanation.
This sort of drawings make me think of a kind of prayer, a repetitive but pleasant action, like the work of an embroiderer, like a spider weaving its web.

Original available for sale:

martedì 15 settembre 2015


Original available for sale:

From the series “Flag”; oil and graphite pencil on canvas; 50 x 75 cm.

Every time that I come back home from a journey or a holiday, I always find, among the photographs that I’ve took, some flags. I am particularly fascinated by those flags moved by the wind, where the geometries of the coloured tissues overlaps on the spirals of folds and on the shadows generated by the movement. It’s even better if the flag is old, maybe a bit ripped, marked by the time that they spent to wave, maybe a little faded or dirty from the dusty air they crossed.

sabato 5 settembre 2015


from the series “Botany’s notebook”, oil and pencil on paper. 30 x 44 cm, 2015.

These are the plants that I grow on my balcony. I have a small balcony with a few pots of flowers, and these are the things I see more when I'm sitting at my desk, and every time I look up from the drawing I'm doing, out of the window, this is what I see. I get distracted, but the distraction brings me right back to the need to draw, so I take another piece of paper and try to sketch the plants, their colors, the shadows and the light reflections dancing on their leaves. When I go back to the work I was previously doing, a little bit of these sketches is transferred in it, and this tells me that my drawings (my thoughts), though apparently distant and very different from each other, talk, communicate and transmit the information all together.

Original available for sale.

giovedì 20 agosto 2015

virtual model

From the series “Virtual model”, oil and pencil on paper, 40 x 40 cm.

I like to create imaginary worlds. Using the modeling software I invent virtual simplified realities, probably the result of travel memories and past experiences. I choose the types of buildings, I place them on a fictitious ground, check the colors to the various parts, the lights, the elements of the landscape. And then I choose a point of view and portray this place of fantasy. The traditional landscape painting has to deal with the atmospheric variables, with the mutability of natural light. Here, on the contrary, not only everything is static, but I can change the various elements at will: add or remove pieces, move something, try the effects of shadows depending on the movement of the lights. But it is a small difference, and also the difference between "real" reality and virtual reality is now small: it has become part of our daily lives, changed our way perceiving, somehow has itself become real.

Original available for sale.


lunedì 27 luglio 2015

lunedì 20 luglio 2015


From the series “Construction details”, pencil and watercolors on paper, 30 x 21 cm.

In architectural drawings some conventional symbols are used to represent the various parts of the design or construction. For example, a red pattern can be adopted to highlight a sectioned wall, a wavy line can represent the thermic insulation, a double line with an internal hatch means a waterproofing membrane, and so on. I tried to carry these symbols on organic forms, mixing the two languages. The architectural symbol drags behind part of the original meaning. In his new capacity will evoke the idea of ​​a protective skin, a shell, an inner layer of fat.

Available for sale.

giovedì 16 luglio 2015

the great beauty

Oil on canvas, 2015, 75 x 130 cm.

In my childhood memories there are often the sea and the beach, the sun and the summer. The idea of finding a hidden treasure, a secret sparkling, with a hint of unease, the thrill of joy and panic that arose when, going fishing with my cousins, a fish took the bait on the hook, and that was finally the  terrifying moment when we had to kill with our own hands that living creature.

martedì 23 giugno 2015

mercoledì 17 giugno 2015

boy with flowers in the hair

Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2015

lunedì 8 giugno 2015


From the series “Please do not kill butterflies”, pins, oil and pencil on paper, different sizes.        


giovedì 28 maggio 2015


From the series “In the absence of God”, oil and pencil on paper, 28 x 40 cm.

The medieval illustrators represented animals that they had never seen, described by others, or derived from mythology. This generated monstrous creatures. From here comes the idea of a common set of animals, which are deformed with the help of redundant decorative codes.
These artworks are made on paper overlaying subsequent layers of oil painting and pencil drawing (I often use graphite not only to emphasize the traits but as a colour itself, to fill and darken entire areas of the drawing).

Original available for sale.

me at work

giovedì 14 maggio 2015

tattooed bodies

“Tattooed bodies”, oil colors and graphite pencil on paper, 30 x 42 cm.         

I do not have tattoos on my body, but the tattoos on the bodies of others make me crazy! I love especially those tattoos whose design can follow the lines of the muscles, taking the shape of the anatomical parts over which are drawn. I prefer very large and colorful tattoos, those who take a whole arm, the whole leg, the whole back.

But I always thought something curious also, and maybe this opinion of mine is wrong... I have always been convinced that, in a sense, tattoos are a protection, a screen, a kind of refuge, a small shield that ensures security to those who "wears" them. After all, it may be the same consideration for accessories in clothing, or for those who drink or smoke at the counter of a bar or at the edge of the dance floor. Often that person does not really want to smoke, but the cigarette gives the "courage", allows him to deal with a situation that is "socially" challenging. If this idea also applies to tattoos, they then not only would be a feature that the person who owns them wants to declare itself. They would also be a confession of weakness, an admission of fragility, and for this reason even more appreciable.

Original available for sale.