lunedì 27 luglio 2015

lunedì 20 luglio 2015


From the series “Construction details”, pencil and watercolors on paper, 30 x 21 cm.

In architectural drawings some conventional symbols are used to represent the various parts of the design or construction. For example, a red pattern can be adopted to highlight a sectioned wall, a wavy line can represent the thermic insulation, a double line with an internal hatch means a waterproofing membrane, and so on. I tried to carry these symbols on organic forms, mixing the two languages. The architectural symbol drags behind part of the original meaning. In his new capacity will evoke the idea of ​​a protective skin, a shell, an inner layer of fat.

Available for sale.

giovedì 16 luglio 2015

the great beauty

Oil on canvas, 2015, 75 x 130 cm.

In my childhood memories there are often the sea and the beach, the sun and the summer. The idea of finding a hidden treasure, a secret sparkling, with a hint of unease, the thrill of joy and panic that arose when, going fishing with my cousins, a fish took the bait on the hook, and that was finally the  terrifying moment when we had to kill with our own hands that living creature.