lunedì 30 gennaio 2017

Abu Dhabi

"Imaginary map of Abu Dhabi". oil on paper, 30 x 30 cm, 2014. Original sold.

From the series “Code”: A map is an imprint, a sign of man in the landscape. An alien intelligence, observing our cities from the great distances of the space, could interpret them as the characters of an alphabet, sort of messages, a code of signs, each one different from the other, each with its own meaning and its own syntax. This hypothetical alien presence may not even realize that these cities have a purpose and a function, which are the product of the way we have adapted to live on this planet, but it could engage in an attempt to interpret this unknown language, identifying the alphabet and associating to each character a precise meaning. We will still be able to understand and share this new meanings, or will they have lost any sense for us?

martedì 24 gennaio 2017

Orange jellyfish

From the series “In the absence of God”, oil and pencil on paper, 28 x 40 cm.

The medieval illustrators represented animals that they had never seen, described by others, or derived from mythology. This generated monstrous creatures. From here comes the idea of a common set of animals, which are deformed with the help of redundant decorative codes.
These artworks are made on paper overlaying subsequent layers of oil painting and pencil drawing (I often use graphite not only to emphasize the traits but as a colour itself, to fill and darken entire areas of the drawing).

martedì 17 gennaio 2017

Abandoned room

"Abandoned rooms", oil and pencil on paper. 40 x 70 cm, 2016. Original sold.

This series of paintings was inspired by the metaphysical landscapes of De Chirico. I have always been fascinated by their clear vision of the architecture, with the precise  design of the shadows, almost anticipating the modern use of three-dimensional modeling software. In the way I feel, however, more introverted and almost unsociable, the outer space is transformed into a closed one, private and protected, from which the human presence is totally gone away. In those rooms then, it may happen that some strange objects and some unexpected decorations appear, suggesting that the person who lives there has overcome the lack of relationship to the outside world with the richness and complexity of his inner world.

sabato 7 gennaio 2017

From the series “Naked”, pencil on paper. 30 x 40 cm, 2000 - 2004.

In some drawings made with the only use of the pencil, when the artist is able at creating the illusion of soft shadows, nuances of color, fadings, and an infinity of shades of gray, the drawing is enriched with a kind of sensuality, a subtle sense of eroticism. The viewer experiences this sensuality, when he observes the drawing, as well as the artist, when he makes it.

In this series of drawings the subject chosen is a mere pretext to practice this strange alchemy. These works are a sort of declaration of love and servitude to this instrument of representation.