From the series “Extrusions”, oil and fabric on cardboard. 40 x 40 cm, 2017.
This series of works was originally born from the following idea: I imagine a sign on the paper, like a cut, from which other signs, shapes and colors emerge, as if it were a sort of material capable of generating the painting, a sort of Pandora's pot of painting. By the time this initial idea has become more complicated. That sign on paper came out of paper, it has become three-dimensional, a piece of fabric on the sheet, a sort of pocket from which the paint spills, and eventually other simple objects spill, such as little glass beads, that suddenly become precious just because they are now on the surface of a work of art.
This original paintings are available for sale at the price of 420 US$ each one (shipping included). Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.