lunedì 18 marzo 2019


From the series “Flags”; oil pencil and ink on paper; 44 x 55 cm. 

During the Winter Olympics in Turin in 2006 a large celebratory structure gathered the flags of all participating countries. These flags were displayed one next to each other, in a large matrix, which revealed that the criteria of composition and the formal rules that generated them were more or less equal for all. Also in this series each drawing is a matrix, and each element of the matrix reproduces always the same basic geometric structure, within which, the color fields, the decorations, the shades and symbols may change, in an almost infinite variation. Each small rectangle is a flag, independent and completed in itself, but linked to the other by the formal rules that generated them. Each flag is a possibility in an infinite number of possible variations, where the final choice of a single element has been delayed or has not been accomplished at all. Each drawing is a series within the series.

These pieces are available for sale at the price of 480 US$ each one (shipping included). Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

giovedì 14 marzo 2019

Surreal fish

Clown fish. ORIGINAL SOLD.
From the series “Ancient beasts”, oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 21 cm, 2005.

The medieval illustrators represented animals that they had never seen, described by others, or derived from mythology. This generated monstrous creatures. From here comes the idea of a common set of animals, which are deformed with the help of redundant decorative codes. To simulate the ancient miniatures, I use ink and uniform color areas.
Heart fish. ORIGINAL SOLD.

Shark fish. ORIGINAL SOLD.

venerdì 8 marzo 2019

Abandoned room

Oil on canvas. 50 x 50 cm, 2018. ORIGINAL SOLD.

This series of paintings was inspired by the metaphysical landscapes of De Chirico. I have always been fascinated by their clear vision of the architecture, with the precise design of the shadows, almost anticipating the modern use of three-dimensional modeling software. In the way I feel, however, more introverted and almost unsociable, the outer space is transformed into a closed one, private and protected, from which the human presence is totally gone away. In those rooms then, it may happen that some strange objects and some unexpected decorations appear, suggesting that the person who lives there has overcome the lack of relationship to the outside world with the richness and complexity of his inner world.