venerdì 24 dicembre 2021

Turtle and lizard


An original piece from the series “Ancient beasts”, ink on paper, 30 x 21 cm, 1999.

The medieval illustrators represented animals that they had never seen, described by others, or derived from mythology. This generated monstrous creatures. From here comes the idea of a common set of animals, which are deformed with the help of redundant decorative codes. To simulate the ancient miniatures, I use ink and uniform color areas.

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2021

Imaginary portrait

IMAGINARY PORTRAIT.  Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 1997.

A series of very simple small works, almost trivial: each painting depicts a face and an expression.
Is it possible to create a catalog of all the expressions of the human face? Is it possible to classify all the attitudes that our face can take and give a name to each one? No, obviously, because the expressions are endless, as well as the possible variations in the human physiognomy, so that a certain attitude, worn by different faces, can assume from time to time different meanings. It's a game in which the variables are too many to govern, a sort of indeterminate equation. But then, what sense can have a job like that? Indeed, it could be interesting to investigate why, who portrays the faces, has chosen these, among all the possible infinite combinations. There are some recurring elements? The expressions are mostly happy, or sad and pensive? The eyes are directed towards the observer, or are they absent, facing something hidden? Eventually, this collection of chromosomes will not be able to describe a kind of genetic code, but it will be something very close to the genetic code of the artist.

This original painting is available for sale at the price of 430 US$, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

venerdì 12 novembre 2021

Mirror of desires

From the series “Mirror of desires”, oil and pencil on paper, 12 x 30 cm, 1997.

This is a naked body spied through the keyhole. The naked person, not knowing to be observed, he feels safe, he thinks he is alone. Who is hidden, who spies, seizes first the nakedness of the body, and this excites him, like a cheap porn movie with an actor who masturbates behind a door, while someone in the next room is having sex.

These paintings are available for sale at the price of 195 US$ each one, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

lunedì 8 novembre 2021

Chromosome number 1

An original piece from the series “Chromosomes”, oil and pencil on paper, 17 x 17 cm, 1996.

A series of very simple small works, almost trivial: each drawing depicts a face and an expression. Is it possible to create a catalog of all the expressions of the human face? Is it possible to classify all the attitudes that our face can take and give a name to each one? No, obviously, because the expressions are endless, as well as the possible variations in the human physiognomy, so that a certain attitude, worn by different faces, can assume from time to time different meanings. It's a game in which the variables are too many to govern, a sort of indeterminate equation. But then, what sense can have a job like that? Indeed, it could be interesting to investigate why, who portrays the faces, has chosen these, among all the possible infinite combinations. There are some recurring elements? The expressions are mostly happy, or sad and pensive? The eyes are directed towards the observer, or are they absent, facing something hidden? Eventually, this collection of chromosomes will not be able to describe a kind of genetic code, but it will be something very close to the genetic code of the artist.

This original painting is available for sale at the price of 120 US$, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021


Eyes. Pencil on paper, 10 x 10 cm, 1996. I've always been attracted by the eyes, and by the sensuality that comes from the attempt to represent their liquidity, transparency, shadows and shades of colors. Drawing the eyes is a simple exercise, but it lends itself to endless variations. On this subject I apply my obsession for decoration, and so I try to investigate what is the limit beyond which the subject of the drawing is no longer the eye, but the decoration itself. The small size allows me to combine a simple subject to a decoration exasperated. The choice of the eyes stems from the idea of the makeup, which is basically a form of decoration.

venerdì 22 ottobre 2021

Yellow angel

Oil on canvas, 100 x 50 cm, 1993. This original painting is available for sale at the price of 2100 US$, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

mercoledì 13 ottobre 2021

Under the sun


Oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm, 1992. This original painting is available for sale at the price of 2150 US$, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

mercoledì 29 settembre 2021

The owl and the mouse

An original piece from the series “Ancient beasts”, oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 21 cm, 1990.

The medieval illustrators represented animals that they had never seen, described by others, or derived from mythology. This generated monstrous creatures. From here comes the idea of a common set of animals, which are deformed with the help of redundant decorative codes. To simulate the ancient miniatures, I use ink and uniform color areas.

This original piece is available for sale at the price of 150 US$, shipping included. Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices of individual works, or the availability for work on graphics.

giovedì 23 settembre 2021

The great beauty


Oil on thick paper, 26 x 36 cm, 2020. Original sold.

In my childhood memories there are often the sea and the beach, the sun and the summer. The idea of finding a hidden treasure, a secret sparkling, with a hint of unease, the thrill of joy and panic that arose when, going fishing with my cousins, a fish took the bait on the hook, and that was finally the terrifying moment when we had to kill with our own hands that living creature.

mercoledì 8 settembre 2021



Oil on thick paper, 24 x 50 cm each one, 2020. Original paintings sold.

The fantastic world of animals. When I was a kid I went crazy for these small encyclopedias for children, where all the animal species were cataloged, and were represented with drawings rather than with images. Those drawings, although very detailed, left much to the imagination. It was as if some white space at the edges of the image were put there on purpose, to allow the viewer to complete, with the imagination, the work of describing that animal. Perhaps it is from this childhood passion that comes to me a certain obsession for animals, and a vice that leads me, starting from a detail or from a certain peculiarity, to exaggerate, to overstate the decorations and the colors, to allow the polyps to emit colored and psychedelic inks.

martedì 31 agosto 2021

Virtual landscape


From the series “Virtual model”, oil and pencil on paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2020. ORIGINAL PAINTINGS SOLD.

I like to create imaginary worlds. Using the modeling software I invent virtual simplified realities, probably the result of travel memories and past experiences. I choose the types of buildings, I place them on a fictitious ground, check the colors to the various parts, the lights, the elements of the landscape. And then I choose a point of view and portray this place of fantasy. The traditional landscape painting has to deal with the atmospheric variables, with the mutability of natural light. Here, on the contrary, not only everything is static, but I can change the various elements at will: add or remove pieces, move something, try the effects of shadows depending on the movement of the lights. But it is a small difference, and also the difference between "real" reality and virtual reality is now small: it has become part of our daily lives, changed our way of perceiving, and somehow has itself become real.

martedì 3 agosto 2021

The infinite city


The infinite city / oil on wood panel, 17 x 45 cm, 2020. ORIGINAL SOLD.

In the contemporary metropolis one can often get the impression that there is no end, edge, limit or border. The city seems to extend in all directions to the horizon, often with monotony and apparent alienating repetitions. However, for those who live in it, the infinite city is not only a source of stress and frustration, but it is often an exciting jungle, a continuous challenge full of possibilities and unpredictable opportunities. In the infinite city we become small and the fear of being crushed can be great, but despite this it irresistibly attracts us, like a siren call.

sabato 17 luglio 2021

Cards butterflies


From the series “Please do not kill butterflies”, pins and oil on paper mounted on a wood panel. 35 x 28 cm each one, 2020. Original paintings sold.