mercoledì 4 luglio 2018

Urban surreal

Volcano in Los Angeles (original sold)

Civic Center in New York, with Matrioska

From the series “Red Star”, oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm, 2017.

Franz Kafka never moved from his Prague. For the setting of his novel "Amerika",
he probably used the notions  that he took from the newspapers and from his literary
knowledge. Then he filled the gaps left by that information with his imagination, inventing
a really comprehensive and credible setting. Today he wouldn’t have this problem, because
the network provides us with detailed and substantial information on anything. The
universal knowledge is available to all. And everyone, sooner or later run into the same
two problems: this information is too much, we do not need it! (till  the point that often we
remain submerged and we do not know anymore what we were looking for). And then, how
do we verify its authenticity? The virtual reproduction of the real world offered by the internet
is so plausible, to make hard this verification. And often that virtual world is more attractive
than the reality, to the point that this verification is not so important. Is this news true? Is this
picture real? Or is it a montage? No matter, as long as it catches our attention. And this red
star? Wasn’t it on the domes of the Kremlin? What is it doing on a skyscraper in New York?
No matter, it's good enough ...

These original paintings are available for sale at the price of 2350 US$ each one.
Contact me in case you are interested in more information about my work, the sales prices
of individual works, the availability for work on graphics.

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